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When you choose to work with nimble creative, you become part of our team. You know your business best, you know where you want to take it, how you want it to grow, and who your audience is. Your company has a story to tell and we want to hear it from you.

1. Client Meeting
Ideally, our first meeting will be a face-to-face one. We will have a lot of questions and expect that you will have many of your own. The purpose of this first meeting is to get a handle on what your company needs and start planning how we will work with you towards a solution.




1. client meeting
2. estimate
3. research
4. conceptual exploration
5. initial concepts
6. refinements & revisions
7. final artwork

graphic design Dunsborough Australia graphic design Vancouver BC
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462 W 234rd Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y 2H4 | tel: 778 882 4988